Policies & Procedures


Entering and Exiting the Store

We ask that you please have all dogs on a leash when entering and exiting the store. This is to ensure the safety of your pet and others. Cats need to be in a carrier for safe transport to and from the store.

Please cleanup after your dog
Price Quote

Prices & Quotes

All prices and price quotes are estimates and are subject to change at any time. Actual costs of a groom can NOT be determined until the groom is complete, thus, any quotes are merely an estimate, and the final charge can not be disputed.

Actual charge to groom a dog is based on a number of factors such as coat condition, pet size, pet behavior, type of cut done, presence of fleas/ticks, hair type, presence of mats, excessively dirty coats and other grooming related factors.

Actual charge to groom a cat is based on the type of coat, pet behaviour, presence of mats, excessively dirty coats and other grooming related factors ( note: we do not clip, shave cats, or do lion trims ).

Pets not picked up after several phone attempts will be charged an additional fee.



For all dogs, we require a valid rabies tag or vaccination records containing dates of rabies vaccination. For all cats, a valid vaccination record containing dates of rabies vaccination is required. Up to date rabies vaccination is required by the State of Massachusetts.

This policy is strictly enforced.
Senior Dog

Health & Medical Problems or Senior Pets

Grooming procedures can sometimes be stressful especially for a senior dog or dogs with health problems. Because of this, grooming can expose hidden medical problems as well as aggravate a current one, whether it be during or after the groom. Because senior pets and pets with health problems have a greater risk of injury, these pets will be groomed for cleanliness and comfort as Stinky's Kittens & Doggies Too LLC will not compromise any pet's health and/or well-being to achieve “the perfect groom”. The pet owner will advise Stinky's Kittens & Doggies Too LLC of any medical, physical, emotional issues, allergies, sensitivities, or pre-existing conditions. These conditions may include, but are not limited to prior surgeries, hip and/or joint issues, warts, moles, ear infections or skin problems. The owner will also inform Stinky's Kittens & Doggies Too LLC of new conditions as they arise. Stinky's Kittens & Doggies Too LLC will not be responsible for accident or injury to an elderly or health-compromised pet during their grooming.

Agressive Dog

Aggressive / Difficult Pets

Owner MUST inform Stinky's Kittens & Doggies Too LLC if your pet bites, has bitten, is aggressive, unpredictable and/or has any other behavioral issues. If owner fails to notify us of any potential danger or behavioral issue, you can and will be liable for all medical fees, out of work compensation, as well as any and all property damage. We will make every attempt to groom uncooperative pets, but we may not be able to complete grooming on pets that pose a threat to themselves, other pets or our groomers. We reserve the right to muzzle any dog for their safety, and ours.

Extremely aggressive and unruly pets will NOT be groomed

If a dog is felt to be exhibiting behavior that is unsafe in regard to itself or the groomer, it may be in the best interest of the pet that the groom be stopped. A fee will be charged dependent on work completed up to that point. All bites will be reported to the local authorities as required by law. Stinky's Kittens & Doggies Too LLC has the right to refuse grooming services, stop grooming services, or cancel grooming services at any time before, during, or after grooming and client will be charged a grooming fee for what was done up until that point. We will never sedate your dog or cat.

Matted Pets

Stinky's Kittens & Doggies Too will not demat or clip a severley matted pet.

Pets with matted coats will require extra attention. If the matting is minimal and the pet responds well we may brush them out for an extra fee ( $15 per hour ). If we do not believe we can remove the mats in a timely manner or we feel your pet is in pain, we will not continue and will clip short/shave. We firmly believe grooming should be an enjoyable experience and will not put your pet through the discomfort of unnecessary dematting. We will notify you before shaving your dog, if permission to shave down is denied, your pet will not get a bath or haircut and must be picked up as is.

Removing a heavily matted coat includes risks of nicks, cuts or abrasions due to warts, moles, or skin folds trapped in the mats. Heavy matting can also trap moisture near the pet’s skin allowing fungus or bacteria to grow causing skin irritations that exist prior to the grooming process. After effects of mat removal procedures can include itchiness, skin redness and/or irritation, self-inflicted irritations or abrasions and failure of the hair to regrow in areas. I am aware that closely shaven pets due to matting are also prone to sunburn and should either have sun screen applied daily or should be kept out of the sun until the hair growth is sufficient to protect the skin. In some cases pets may also exhibit brief behavioral changes. In certain breeds and coat types, the coat may not grow back the same.


On rare occasions, Stinky's Kittens & Doggies Too may need to cancel appointments due to equipment failure, power outages, family emergencies, etc. Every effort will be made to contact you in advance.

If you cannot keep your appointment, please call us 24 hours in advance so we may fill your spot. If you have more then 3 "no show/no call" appointments, I will no longer be able to accept you as a client. I understand that emergencies, illness and other things "come up" and I will make exceptions accordingly.


Late Policy

All pets brought in for grooming must be picked up within one (1) hour of the time the client is informed the pet is ready. If you are running late for your appointment, please call me and let me know. Since I run on such a tight grooming schedule and groom dogs by individual appointments, I may not be able to accommodate you if you are more then 15 minutes late.

Pets not picked up after several phone attempts will be charged a sitting fee of $10 - $15 per hour.